Monday, 11 January 2016

Exploring the next steps for collaboration in research on the climate resilient Bambara groundnut in the Northern Region of Ghana

The African research partners on the study on socio-economics of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc) met on 7 December, 2015 to review the project, set research priorities for future research collaborations and joint publication of research outputs.
Bambara groundnut originates from West Africa and is considered a climate change resilient crop due to its tolerance to drought. Research on its use is therefore complementary to the aims of the CIRCLE project. The pilot study, funded by the Crops for the Future (CFF), Malaysia, focused on the production, marketing and processing of Bambara groundnut. One MPhil graduate was trained during the study under the co-supervision of the research team and more graduate students have since expressed an interest in undertaking research on the genetics, physiology and pathology of the crop.

Left to Right: Professor George Nyarko, Dr Olawale Olayide and Dr Samuel Donkoh
The team comprises Professor George Nyarko, Dr Samuel Donkoh and Dr Olawale Olayide, a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in cohort I of the Climate Impacts Research Capacity and Leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE) programme. It was the first time the research team met face-to-face since the project started in 2014. During the meeting, the importance of communicating the findings of the study through journal publications, conferences, workshops and side events, was emphasized. Already, the team has prepared four joint papers from the study, with one accepted for publication in 2015 and the other papers currently under review in international peer-review journals.

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